Instructions for the dashboard with data

Instructions for the dashboard with data

This dashboard is designed to provide our clients with the information about their game whenever they want as fast as possible. It allows each client to see his game statistics, analyze it and, if necessary, optimize some of the processes to improve the results.

Here you can select different filters and parameters such as: login, player ID, league ID, time period, as well as poker-rooms, game types and limits. After each change, the dashboard will automatically update according to selected options.

Important: the dashboard is created for logins that are set up on the day the dashboard was created. If a new NZT login is created, it will not be taken into account. To add a login to the dashboard, write to the chat manager.

The dashboard has two tabs: “Page 1” and “Page 2”.

The “Page 1” tab allows you to track how many hands have been played in a particular room, game type or limit. Here you can also find the Graph of profitability for the selected period of time and the Statistics Panel:

The “Page 2” tab has pretty much the same interface and filters as “Page 1”. Here you can see how much fuel has been burned over a certain period of time. You can also find statistics for each particular "Player ID" who played during this period:

Using these tools, each client can analyze their game by himself, make some adjustments (if necessary) and track the result. For example, the user will be able to see which room, game type or limit gives the best profits, as well as where he is losing the most. The dashboard solves the problem of tracking operator errors, both for NZT logins and for specific Player IDs. More detailed information on each panel is provided below.

“Page 1” Tab

1.Time period settings

In the upper left corner you can see a “Time period” panel: 

The minimal step is one day. Within the one day, dashboard includes information from 00:00 current date up to 00:00 UTC+0 of the next day. For example, if you select “from 22.11.21 to 22.11.21”, then you will see information from 00:00 to 23:59 of the current date.  

Please note: all data uploads to the dashboard with some delay, which is usually abound 24-48 hours.

2. Login, Player ID and League ID

Next to “Time period” you can see another panel, where you can select your NZT logins (do not confuse with poker room logins), as well as Player IDs and League IDs:

You must enter data separately, one at a time. After writing a login, wait a few seconds for the system to find it. Then select it from the list below by clicking the left mouse button. To select several logins at the same time, press and hold the “Ctrl” (Windows) or “Cmd” (MacOS) button, and then add a new login to the batch.

Important: when you’re entering a login, use only uppercase letters and numbers. The search should not include the symbols “@”, “.”, etc. To enter the symbol ".", You must first enter the name of the login before the dot, then enter "\", and only then “.”.

For example: to find “poker.pro@google.com” it must be typed as “poker \ .pro”.

3. Poker Room and Game Type filter.

In the upper central part of the screen, there are blocks for filtering poker rooms and types of games:

To filter the required data, simply left click on the desired sector and wait for the system to update the information. To select multiple filters, as before, use the “Ctrl” (Windows) or “Cmd” (MacOS) key.

Poker rooms:

  • “CITYP” - CityOfPoker;

  • “KKP” - KKPoker;

  • “PFS” - PokerFishes (UUPoker/RunIt);

  • “PKG” - PokerKing;

  • “PPP” - PPPoker;

  • ‘PW” - PokerWorld (RedDragon);

  • “UP” - UPoker;

  • “WM” - Winamax:

  • “GG” - GGpoker;

  • “PBR” - PokerBros;

  • “PG” - PartyGaming (PartyPoker);

  • “PMTR” - PokerMaster (HHpoker);

  • “PTM” - PokerTime;

  • “SUP” - Suprema Poker;

  • “WE” - WePoker;

  • “XP” - X-Poker.

Game types:

  • “CSDNL” - China Short Deck NL (6+ Hold’Em);

  • “NL” - No Limit Hold’Em;

  • “NLB” - No Limit Hold’Em with Bomb Pots;

  • “NLR” - NL Rush/Zoom/Snap (на данный момент не поддерживается);

  • “NLP” - No Limit Push (All-in or Fold);

  • “PLO” - Pot Limit Omaha (4 cards);

  • “PLO5C” - Pot Limit Omaha (5 cards);

  • “PLO6C” - Pot Limit Omaha (6 cards) (на данный момент не поддерживается);

  • “MTT” - Multi-Table-Tournaments;

  • “SPIN” - Spin & Go (на данный момент не поддерживается).

4. Limits filter

In the upper right corner there is a “Limits filter”:

You can select a whole limit group (“High”, “Medium,“ Micro ”or“ Small ”) or select a specific limit within each group.

To select a specific limit, click on the “arrow” near the limit group, and in the drop-down list, click on the required limit:

Limits for NL and PLO:

  • “Micro” - C2, C10;

  • “Small” - C25, C50;

  • “Medium” - C100, C200;

  • “High” - C400, C600. C1000. C2000.


Limits for MTT (buy-ins):

  • “Micro” - M1, M5;

  • “Small” - M15;

  • “Medium” - M40;

  • “High” - M100, M500.

To select multiple filters, use the “Ctrl” (Windows) or “Cmd” (MacOS) button.

Important: The total average limit may be incorrectly specified if you have played MTT. It is necessary to filter out all types of games, excluding MTT, in order to see the correct data.

5. Hand diagrams

On the left side of the screen you will find a diagrams of the hands played:


Hands, poker network - the number of hands played during the selected period, divided by poker room;

Hands, game type - the number of hands played during the selected period, divided by game type;

Hands, normal limit - the number of hands played during the selected period, divided by limits.

You can check each poker room/game type/limit separately by selecting the required section:

As before, you can select multiple filters at once using the Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (MacOS) button.

6. Graph

In the central part of the dashboard, there is a Graph. It shows game profit in USD.

Move your mouse over the graph to see the values:

  • NET $ - actual winnings;

  • AllinEV is the expected profit (EV).

Click on a specific point on the graph for a detailed analysis:


  • yellow line - EV (Expected Value);

  • blue line - actual winnings (NET $).

7. Statistics panel

The last block on this page is a Statistics panel:

Here you can find the main stats, such as:

  • hands - the number of hands played;

  • NET $ - actual winnings in USD;

  • NET BB/100 - actual winrate in bb/100;

  • AllinEV - expected value (EV);

  • EV BB/100 - expected winrate in EV bb/100;

  • avg_limit $ - average limit, shown as a big blind cost in USD;

  • rake - generated rake;

  • fuel - burned fuel (NZT);

  • % errors - percentage of deviations from hints.

Click on the “+” symbol near your login to see the statistics by each poker room:

Note: Errors for PLO and PLO 5c are not displayed in the dashboard.

“Page 2” Tab

Please note: Panels 8, 9, 10 and 11 are exactly the same as Panels 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the “Page 1” tab.

12. Fuel consumption panel

In the central part of the screen you can see the Fuel consumption panel:

Here you can see how much fuel was burned over the entire selected period of time, as well as for each specific day.

You can also track the statistics of each particular day. To do this, click on the day you are interested in. The information on the page will be automatically updated.

To select multiple days, use the “Ctrl” (Windows) or “Cmd” (MacOS) buttons:

Here you also can see the approximate number of days that can be played with the current fuel supply and its consumption rate:

13.Statistics panel

The panel is similar to Panel 7, however, if there information was presented for the whole login, then here you can observe stats for each specific Player ID.

Click on the “+” symbol next to of Player ID to open statistics for each poker room separately:

14. Hands diagram

This panel shows how many hands were played from each selected login:

To separate logins from each other, simply select one of them in the panel above:

Exporting data

Any information from this dashboard can be downloaded to a PC in “.xlsx” (Microsoft Excel) file.

To do this, move the mouse over the required panel until you see the “...” symbol:

Click on it and in the pop-up window select “Export data”:

Then select “Export”: