Versions Compared


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Avoid any errors and strictly follow AI hints. The lack of any deviations from the hints is extremely important to get positive result on a long distance.

Deviations from hints is an action when AI shows one prompthint, and a personplayer, operator or autoclicker performs a completely makes different action during the game.

There are deviations from prompts Deviations from hints may occur for the following reasons:1.Through

  1. By the fault of the operator (accidentally or deliberately pressed the wrong command).


  1. Errors


  1. by an autoclicker.


  1. Problems with the Internet (the


  1. hint came with a delay, and it was impossible to take the action


  1. in time


  1. ).

Important! If you play from Chinese servers, it is extremely important to take care of a good fast and high-quality internet speedconnection.




You should completely exclude the game with stacks stack size less than 100bb.

Stack - all the chips with which the poker player is sitting at the table and are available to him for making bets. The player's stack size is always measured in relation to the size of the minimum bets accepted at the table.

As the stack size decreases, our win rates winrates also begin to drop proportionally. ConverselyOn the other hand, the deeper our stack, the greater the winratehigher our winrates.

AI shows the highest win rates when playing with a stack of 200bb +. Slightly worse, but also high, when playing 120-200bb. It is important to note that when playing with a mandatory straddle, 200bb is exactly 200 big blinds, not 200 straddle.
